Academic Preparation Program
Academic Preparation Program, includes free 200,000 cpu-hour and 100 GB storage resource support to be provided by National Center for High Performance Computing (UHeM) in order to encourage all faculty members working at our universities to apply for research projects.
- The faculty members who never used our center before and who are in preparation for project application, such as TUBITAK, BAP etc.
- The faculty members who is currently a user in our center and who are in preparation for a new project application such as TUBITAK, BAP etc.
- The faculty members who currently have a project (TUBITAK, BAP etc.) in our center and can not provide a budget from their projects that are in the final phase , but need resources to complete their final work for the closure of the project,
can apply to the Academic Preparation Program.
The program aims that to provide quick access to computational resources for faculty members to obtain preliminary results (platform testing, program development and optimization, speed and scaling testing, etc.) that will help them to plan their actual work. Therefore, our researchers are expected to provide a brief summary of their research topics and a rationale explaining how the Academic Preparaiton Program will benefit in the projects.
Researchers can apply the program through the UHeM project application portal (https://portal.uhem.itu.edu.tr/). The researchers who have never had a project in our center before, must first register from the new registration (academic) tab in the project application portal. After registiration phase, please check the checkbox “I want to apply to the Academic Preparation Program.” , during the project application process to apply to the academic preparation program.
Our users who already have a project, can apply with a short summary from the "CPU Transfer for Academic Preparation Program" tab on their project management page.
It should be clearly indicated that UHeM resources are used in the scientific outputs (such as thesis, article, paper, report etc.) prepared by academic preparation projects using UHeM resources. In the acknowledgment sections of the publications, the name of the National Center for High Performance Computing (UHeM) and the account (grant) number assigned to the project should be included as in the example below.
Computing resources used in this work were provided by the National Center for High Performance Computing of Turkey (UHeM) under grant number
Bu çalışmada kullanılan hesaplama kaynakları Ulusal Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Merkezi’nin (UHeM),
* It is compulsory to be a faculty member at any university to apply for resource support of Academic Preparation Program. Students and research assistants can not benefit from this support.
For your questions, please send an e-mail to hesap@uhem.itu.edu.tr.